

Bedding Collection: Is Sleep Sweating Normal?

Most people don't think of sweating as a bad thing. After all, it's how our bodies cool down, and most of the time, we associate sweat with exercise and a good workout. 

But there is another kind of sweat that can happen during sleep and is often referred to as "night sweats." Night sweats are characterised by excessive sweating during sleep, regardless of ambient temperature or activity level before bed, wetting your bedding collection.

They can be caused by various factors, from menopause to medication side effects to infection. And while night sweats aren't usually dangerous in and of themselves, they can lead to discomfort and interrupted sleep, which can have negative consequences for overall health and well-being.

In this article, we'll explore what causes night sweats, how to prevent them, and what you can do if you're experiencing them. We'll also look at Sloomy bedding collections, which are made from the eucalyptus tree. 

Eucalyptus is a natural material that has been shown to help regulate body temperature and improve sleep quality, making it a great choice for those looking for ways to combat night sweats.


bedding collection

Explore what causes night sweats, how to prevent them, and how Sloomy's bedding collection can help you combat them.

What Are Night Sweats?

Sleep sweating, or sometimes called night sweats, is a type of sweating that occurs during sleep. It is defined as excessive sweating at night unrelated to room temperature and physical activity before bed.

But Is It Normal?

Our bodies are incredible, and they work diligently to keep our temperatures in check so that we can fight a variety of disorders and illnesses. When we sleep, our body temperature changes as well.

Our body temperature drops when we rest and rises when we're up and about during our waking hours. This may already make sense to you because you're involved in activities as you go about your day, and your body's core temperature drops while you relax.

You're not putting out any effort. Heat is equal to energy. However, if your temperature starts to increase while you're sleeping, the discomfort begins. You may start sweating or wake up with an uncomfortable feeling of warmth.

Other Causes Of Night Sweats

  1. Menopause: One of the most common causes of night sweats is menopause. During menopause, hormone levels fluctuate and can lead to an increase in sweating.

  1. Medications: Many medications can cause night sweats as a side effect. This includes both prescription and over-the-counter drugs.

  1. Infections: Infections such as the flu, mononucleosis, and tuberculosis can cause night sweats.

  1. Neurological problems: Conditions such as Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, and cerebral palsy can lead to excessive sweating during sleep.

  1. Other chronic illnesses: Chronic illnesses such as liver disease, kidney failure, and congestive heart failure can also lead to night sweats.

How Can I Prevent Night Sweats?

There are a few things you can do to help prevent night sweats:

  1. Keep your room cool: One of the best ways to prevent night sweats is to keep your room cool. If it's hot in your room, try using a fan or turning on the air conditioning.

  1. Drink plenty of fluids: Dehydration can increase the risk of night sweats, so make sure to drink plenty of fluids throughout the day.

  1. Wear light clothing: Wearing lightweight, and breathable clothing can help you stay cooler during sleep.

  1. Use Sloomy's bedding collections: Sloomy's bedding collections are made from eucalyptus fabric. Eucalyptus is a natural material that has been shown to help regulate body temperature and improve sleep quality, making it a great choice for those looking for ways to combat night sweats. Also read, "Why You Should Invest In Eucalyptus Bed Linens."

Final Thoughts:

Sweating at night is a common thing to experience. It might happen because your room is excessively hot or because the air isn't flowing properly. Stress can have a role in some cases. The sleeping environment you create, on the other hand, is a huge factor.

It's even possible that you're too hot just because your duvet insert or blanket is a little too thick for the season. Heat is trapped in thick bedding (and even some mattresses). 

As a result, it's critical to select breathable, temperature-regulating bedding that disperses rather than traps heat. Check out Sloomy's Bedding Collection Page for more information.