

Eucalyptus Green Bedding: Guide On How To Choose The Right Colours For Your Bedroom

Do you know why eucalyptus-green beddings and lilac pillows are popular among other colours in the market? These colour palettes inflict a subtle impact on your overall mood. Same with different hues, there is a perfect reason behind your dislike of yellow, your constant preference for black, and blue and white.

In this article, you will understand the importance of which palette to choose when decorating your bedroom. There's a lot to choose from! 

While painting your wall sets the mood of any bedroom, you can also incorporate these colours into your bedsheets and pillowcases, depending on your preference. A great example is our eucalyptus green bedding; this colour impacts your sleep the most - it is said that green can prevent nightmares!

The list below will help you choose which colours and eucalyptus bedding to use when decorating your bedroom. 


eucalyptus green bedding
How do bedroom colours affect your sleep and overall mood?


What It Resonates: Tranquility, Intellect and Safety

How It Affects Your Mood: Students exposed to blue before taking a test were shown to be more successful and get better outcomes. Also, people are more productive in blue spaces; thus, it's a popular choice for offices. 

The colour blue is associated with the sky, the ocean, sleep, and twilight. It's a hue that instantly lifts spirits. Blue represents sincerity, inspiration, and spirituality to many. It helps us feel good about ourselves. Perhaps this is why the colour blue is frequently described as peaceful and quiet.

While sometimes, blue can also be perceived as cold and distant. This may create a feeling of unwelcomeness; it's wise to balance it with undertones.


What It Resonates: Nature, Prosperity and Stability

How It Affects Your Mood: Its inherent calming nature is frequently used to decorate bedrooms. Green is also thought to be effective in preventing nightmares, as mentioned above. This is because people associate this colour with nature, to which people often feel calm and relaxed.

Another best example of its calming effects is when people are invited into a "green room" before a performance to keep them relaxed. 

You can mix and match different shades of green! Try painting your walls a shade of green that suits your taste and add other bedroom essentials such as our eucalyptus green bedding to bring some blending contrast. 

However, too much green can cause people to feel lazy and moody! So be creative with your combinations!


What It Resonates: Passion, Curiosity and Joy

How It Affects Your Mood: A room painted in bright yellow appears cheerful and welcoming. Pastel yellows signify the arrival of spring, while golden tones represent the comforting warmth of autumn. Unless you thrive on vibrant hues, keep showy yellows to a minimum.

A living area with plenty of natural light is ideal for a vivid yellow backdrop. This bright hue goes nicely with both classic and rustic decor. To give depth and a traditional charm, use peach, blue, and red accents.


What It Resonates: Functionality, Affirmation and Warmth

How It Affects Your Mood: A combination of yellow and red attracts feelings of warmth and assurance. Orange hues are a vibrant and unexpectedly purifying colour that works well as a wall colour in your bedroom.

We recommend this hue for early risers who have no problem falling asleep because orange isn't renowned for helping one relax or feel peaceful. Oranges with vibrant colours are excellent for boosting the mind and getting you enthusiastic for the day ahead. Pair with big, wooden wall art for a rustic and customized appearance.


What It Resonates: Romance, Hope and Adventure

How It Affects Your Mood: One of the strongest emotion-provoking colours. It makes you feel loved and highly passionate. So if you're planning to paint your walls to increase the level of passion inside your bedroom, this is the right colour.

However, it's not necessarily advisable if you prioritize relaxation and rest. This colour tends to raise blood pressure and heart rate. 

Because red is an intense hue that stimulates adrenaline, it will boost your energy level. When you choose a red tone to paint a room, it will elicit sentiments of enthusiasm. It's energizing and inspires others to talk about it.


What It Resonates: Sweet, Calm and Desire

How It Affects Your Mood: The colour pink is a pale red variant often linked with romance. It is associated with childhood recollections of sweet treats and innocence. Pink is closely associated with femininity, which is typically associated with caring, gentleness, and compassion. Pastel pink has a soothing effect, but it might make you feel restless if the colour is too intense.

It's a fun colour that pairs well with shades like deep teal, dove grey, and fiery orange. If you use too much pink in a space, it's advisable to balance it off with a neutral to avoid looking too juvenile. A pink room may be transformed from bubblegum to elegant by adding modern furniture.


What It Resonates: Imagination, Royalty and Mystery

How It Affects Your Mood: This regal colour has a dignified and assertive presence when applied on walls or upholstery. Purple is a colour associated with wealth, aristocracy, and good health. It has a soothing effect that has something to do with spirituality and mental perception. Purple is a colour that spans from deep violet to light lavender.

Purple will create a significant impact in any space, whether you employ it as a whole or as an accent. To create a majestic colour pallet, most other colours work with different tones of purple. Purple looks great with jewel tones, but it also works well with lighter hues like soft yellow, pastel pink, or white.


What It Resonates: Strength, Sophisticated and Formality

How It Affects Your Mood: Another wonderful colour palette for people who want light and airy spaces in their bedrooms. Muted and light greys create a zen-like mood and can make a room appear larger. It signifies serenity and harmony, making it a good choice for those who have problems sleeping.

Darker greys offer a more manly and sophisticated image, while lighter greys make a space seem peaceful and spacious. It's simple to decorate a room with a few colourful cushions or a statement word art wall because it's a neutral hue.


When decorating your bedroom, stay away from yellow and stick to green, purple, pink, and blue. To increase productivity and intellect, use orange, a social hue, in public parts of the house and blue in the business.

Adding colours is the simplest way to bring life to your bedroom and help you achieve your desired mood. Whether you prefer soothing warm colours or something more refreshing and cold, understanding what works best with your lifestyle is all it takes to discover the appropriate colour. 

Once you've picked the perfect theme, get creative and add more bedroom essentials like our eucalyptus green beddings and duvet covers. You can find these products that will perfectly complement your chosen colourhere.